
Showing posts from March, 2011

Crazy Week!

So it has been a crazy 9-10 days. Work was nuts as I was working on a major project. Then when I finally got some time off for spring break with my son, I got sick. I did get a new Dell Desktop as an early birthday gift so that was nice!

Working on my A+ Certification

Seeing how I am such a huge fan of the movie Julie and Julia, I thought that I would begin to post my progress towards getting my A+ Certification. To catch everyone up, I have already read Exam Prep A+ but found out that the book was was not the latest publication and therefore ordered the Michael Myers A+ Computer Certification which I must say is much easier to read than the exam prep book. Also I bought the Laptop Repair Videos off the site. I must say that the videos are very good and I am glad that I decided to buy the videos. I have set my goal to take the tests in June. From there I will move foward to my Net+ Certification.