
Trajedy of Bullying

When I was growing up as kid, there was the saying, "Sticks and stones may break your bones, but names will never hurt me." I understand the reasoning behind this statement but unfortunately this statement does not hold up as today we have seen a dramatic increase in suicide rates related to bullying. There are many forms of bullying. There is the direct form of ridiculing by a fellow group of ones peers or even physical accosting at the hand of one or several individuals who have for whatever reason singled out a an individual.  Today we see more and more accounts of what has been termed cyber-bullying. Those who choose this method to bully may often feel a sense of anonymity or no sense of regret as they are not directly confronting their victim.  Not only suicide but mass killings in school have been linked to bullying where the person on the receiving end has had a psychological break and they view their only recourse is to to take out as many of their fellow classmat

Looking back over old post!

So here is an update to the A+ Certification. I guess I have not really gotten use to the idea of publishing a blog so I apologize for no updates to the A+ Certification blog. I finally got my A+ Certification back in the Summer of 2013 and will take my Net+ exam this coming Monday, 21st of May 2014. Looking forward to taking the exam and hopefully all will go well and then I can begin the task of studying for my Security + Cert.

A journey in to the world of coding Day 1

So for the summer semester, 2014, I will be learning how to code web pages, learn about the basic foundations of coding, and learning how to code in C++. So what do I have facing me this summer? A challenge. A challenge to begin to think in a manner that is logical, mathematical, be given a scenario or task and learn how to create a program that will complete that task. I kind of feel like Julie Powell did when she took on the challenge of going through Julia Child's, Mastering the Art of French Cooking.  Just as Julie accepted the daunting task of completing a vast number of recipes over the course of year, I will have basically twelve weeks. Twelve weeks in which there will be times that I am ready to pull the hair out of my head, kick, scream and cuss, and hopefully when it is all said and done, I will at least have a basic working knowledge of how to program.  I am beginning a journey even though I am older but looking forward to traveling in to the unknown. After all isn&

Spring Classes 2013

Should be an interesting semester as I will be taking Computer Micro Architecture 2 and Intro to Networking. Both classes have great instructors and I am really looking forward to learning many things through out the course of the semester. No doubt it will be challenging in terms of time management to get everything done. But with hard work and perseverance, I know that will prevail!
Liking how I was able to merge my G+ profile in to my old blog. Hopefully this will inspire me to become more active with my blog. We will see. There is definitely plenty of political action and exciting computer news going on this summer.

Crazy Week!

So it has been a crazy 9-10 days. Work was nuts as I was working on a major project. Then when I finally got some time off for spring break with my son, I got sick. I did get a new Dell Desktop as an early birthday gift so that was nice!

Working on my A+ Certification

Seeing how I am such a huge fan of the movie Julie and Julia, I thought that I would begin to post my progress towards getting my A+ Certification. To catch everyone up, I have already read Exam Prep A+ but found out that the book was was not the latest publication and therefore ordered the Michael Myers A+ Computer Certification which I must say is much easier to read than the exam prep book. Also I bought the Laptop Repair Videos off the site. I must say that the videos are very good and I am glad that I decided to buy the videos. I have set my goal to take the tests in June. From there I will move foward to my Net+ Certification.